
music videos 

《Wheels of Fortune》 From《Born in Kowloon》Cantonese MV directed by J.Him

《Flower and Root》 From《Born in Kowloon》Cantonese
MV directed by J.Him

《Blues of the Office Man》
From《Born in Kowloon》Cantonese MV directed by J.Him

《Facing the Sun》. The theme song of a campaign for Air New Zealand. Cantonese.

MV directed by Welby Chung

《Good Weather》, a duet with sister Eman Lam. Cantonese.

MV directed by Kit Hung

《Heart of a Traveller》from《My Lonely Planet》. Mandarin.

MV directed by David Cow

《Thank You》from《Playlist》, an album covering all the hit songs Chet wrote for the others. Mandarin.

MV directed by Andrew Wong

《Right Kind of Wrongs》from《One Magic Day》. Cantonese.

MV directed by lowing

《Just a Little Longer》rom《Back to the Stars》, an album about the characters in the Little Prince. English.

MV directed by Kit Hung

《Pure Water》from the ‘best of’ album《Homework》. Cantonese.

MV directed by Kit Hung

《As far As Love Goes》from《Travelogue 4 Escape》. English.

MV shot and edited by Chet Lam

《Runaway》from《Travelogue 4 Escape》. Cantonese.
MV Shot and edited by Chet Lam in these places: Belize: Xunantunich / Belmopan / Hopkins Bay / San Ignacio / Belize City Mexico: Mexico City / Teotihuacan Guate...

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