Back to One 思源
Release Date: August 1, 2021
Label: LYFE Music
Chet's 20th solo album, 11 original Mandarin songs and one Cantonese.
album links to all major platforms
‘You reap what you sow.
I think of life as a time tunnel, these songs are the cross sections where I found traces of evidence of what made this version of me today. It is a ritual of some sort, there lies the temptation of repeating some mistakes, and also the strength to move on.
If <Born in Kowloon> is a homage to my origin, <Back to One> is a testament of life defining moments ... so far.
These two back to back albums are so personal to me, but I know you could find something to relate to. We are all different, but we are all the same.
It’s ourselves to create moments, and It’s the moments that define us.’
~ Back to One, Chet Lam
《Born in Kowloon》專輯是成長片段,《思源》是生命切面組合;我們製造了那些瞬間,然後那些瞬間斷定了我們是誰。
~ 思源,林一峰
Born in Kowloon
Release Date: Jun 16, 2020
Label: LYFE Music
Writing and singing about everyday stories, Hong Kong’s own city-folk singer songwriter Chet Lam reconstructs the city with music through his own perspectives and memories.
All music written, arranged and produced by Chet Lam.
‘This album is a tribute to my birthplace - Hong Kong. Kowloon is a big part of Hong Kong, people grew up there always carry the burden and pride of having a humble background one way or another.
‘Songs are subjective memories, There is no way one can subjectively record a person, a time or place. All one can do is deconstruct the whole scene into small pieces, then put all of them back together again. The more objective experiences of the five senses we collect, the closer we are to what has happened in the past.
‘When music and words are mixed together, thrown in time, what comes after this reconstruction of reality is your own new objective memory.
Chet Lam 林一峰
Chet Lam 林一峰
Chet Lam 林一峰
Travelogue 4 Escape
Chet's 18th solo album, all original materials in Cantonese, Mandarin, English etc.. Recorded in Brooklyn.
《Travelogue 4 Escape》explores the stories of love and loss through traveling around the world. As New York based producer Chris Connors put it, Lam is a cultivated traveler, what the album is trying to do is projecting this idea with sounds.
Chet Lam - vocals, guitars, programming
Chris Connors - bass, guitars, keyboards, synths, percussion, programming
Martha Kato - piano, keyboards
Jake St. John - drums
Jay Rattman - clarinet, tenor saxophone, bass saxophone
Anna Urrey - flute
Dave Levy - trumpet
Peter Nelson - trombone
Sabina Torosjan - violin
Anthony Bracewell - violin
Emily Bookwalter - viola
Marta Bagratuni - cello
Vilian Ivantchev - classical guitar (蝴蝶谷/Butterfly Valley)
Danny Leung - classical guitar (Barcelona)
Tiff Ortiz - backing vocals
Michael Stephenson - backing vocals
Album Produced by Chris Connors
Recorded by Chris Connors and Samuel Campoli at Seaside Lounge and Concrete Sound, Brooklyn, NY
Assisted by Teddy O'Mara at Seaside Lounge
Mixed and mastered by Chris Connors at Concrete Sound
Chet Lam 林一峰
Chet Lam 林一峰
Chet Lam 林一峰
Absolutely Innocent / 絕對清白
Release Date: April 19, 2017
Label: LYFE Music
全碟由CM主理聯合監製,連同樂隊一起在錄音室編曲製作,再交由紐約新晉音樂人Chris Connors混音。
1. 影子戰
2. 八大行星高峰會議
3. 原諒
4. 地心引力
5. 星光大道
6. 大城小子
7. 能傷心是種奢侈
8. 十七一生
9. 青春殘酷蜜語
Chet Lam's 16th solo album 《Absolutely Innocent》, 9 songs about misunderstandings, conflicts and anger issues. Co-produced wby CM, with the A.I. band arranging and recording all songs in the studio, mixed by Chris Connors.
1. Shadow War
2. Summit of the 8 Planets
3. Forgive
4. Gravity
5. Star Avenue
6. Another Boy in the City
7. Feeling Hurt is Luxurious
8. Forever 17
9. Brutal-sweet Youth
Like Ripples, Like Love / 細水如歌
Release Date: October 2017
Label: LYFE Music
Chet Lam's 17th solo album《Like Ripples, Like Love》is a tribute to Chinese pop legend Danny Chan.
Chet Lam, 林一峰
Chet Lam, 林一峰
Chet Lam, 林一峰

Release Date: July 7, 2015
Label: LYFE Music
Chet Lam's 15th album, crossing over with 10 unique talents from Hong Kong, including the one and only songstress Teresa Carpio, the fiercely independent icon the pancakes, the HK version of Jersey Boys C AllStar, his sister Eman Lam, the most sorted after canoto pop band Supper Moment... just to name a few.
Crossroads is also the first crowd funding project created by Chet, and also the first project on the crowdfunding platform which he curated with friends.
Canto Pop at its best.
Track List:
1. Sense and Sensibility - Chet Lam x Teresa Carpio
2. The Last Flight of Peter Pan - Chet Lam x C AllStar
3. Just Like a Girl - Chet Lam x Eman Lam
4. Wrong to the Bone - Chet Lam x Subyub Lee
5. The Departure of the Butterfly Legends - Chet Lam x Ivana Wong
6. VC2015 - Chet Lam x Ketchup
7. Pluto’s Prayer - Chet Lam x Pasha
8. The Kid and the Stranger - Chet Lam x Supper Moment
9. The Story of Miss Chan Chan - Chet Lam x the pancakes
10. You Made Me Fly - Chet Lam x Chow Yiu Fai
《Crossroads》- 林一峰與十個音樂單位的合作,有關天馬行空與腳踏實地的十段青春印記,有關選擇與成長的十個生命片段
夢想 vs. 現實
堅持 vs. 放棄
感性 vs. 理性
天馬行空 vs. 腳踏實地
直到有一天,你終於看到一棵參天大樹;你停了下來,莫名其妙的你就知道了,參天大樹的名字是時間;沿著樹幹爬上去,初時看不到盡頭,你叫自己安心地 爬,直到撥開茂盛的樹葉,看到藍天,整個人感覺平安時,已經離地很遠,而且看到未知的遠方,有一座高聳入雲的山峰;放眼回頭的路,發現很多曾經走過的路 口,無論當時你選擇向哪個方向進發,最後也會來到這裏;原來,你一直只在平面盲目向前,終究兜兜轉轉,直至你把自己放心交給時間,學會了從另外一個角度, 立體地看同一件事,終於發現,路不一定要向前走,有些路更不一定要走,有些路一早有人鋪好,有些路則要自己創造。
於是,你在樹上休息夠之後,回到同一條路上,方向跟步伐都變得不一樣,眼光再不是尋找下一個路口,而是遠方的一個山峰 - 冷靜地再看清楚一點,那個山峰叫智慧;怎樣進發還有待探索,但至少你已經知道,一切選擇並不是非一即二,就如在半空中看到的景象:你記 得,Crossroads不應該從平面看,而是從高處看,而且立體地看:
1. 理性與感性 - 林一峰 x 杜麗莎
2. 潘彼德後傳 - 林一峰 x C AllStar
3. 像個女孩一樣 - 林一峰 x 林二汶
4. 錯到底 - 林一峰 x 李拾壹
5. 十八相送 - 林一峰 x 王菀之
6. VC2015 - 林一峰 x Ketchup
7. 冥王星的祈禱 - 林一峰 x Pasha
8. 小伙子與陌生人 - 林一峰 x Supper Moment
9. Miss Chan Chan 前傳 - 林一峰 x the pancakes
10. 你讓我飛 - 林一峰 x 周耀輝
Chet Lam, 林一峰, Supper Moment

Chet Lam - Playlist(2014)
The national hits Chet penned for major artists in the past 10 something years, on Playlist he teamed up with producer Arai Soiichiro to give audience a thrill and chilled ride in these re-imagination of Chinese national hits.
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Chet LAm / 林一峰
Chet Lam / 林一峰

Oh My Goodness
Release Date: March 9, 2013
Label: LYFE Music
說好事,唱好事。林一峰 第13號作品「Oh My Goodness」,向幸福進發,包括從未收錄作品:WWF地球一小時主題曲《Light Up Your Dreams》,國家地理頻道海洋年主題曲《Ocean》,香港最有愛心社會企業之一So Soap!主題曲《抱泡》,送給天下有情人的《最重要的事》《從一吻開始》,送給天下母親的《媽媽請你輕鬆吓》。Oh My Goodness! 好事傳千里。
As simple as it gets: Chet Lam has been writing and performing for charity organization all these years, it's time for him to gather up all these tunes on his 13th solo release. Good tunes include the English original song Ocean penned for National Geographic, the theme song for the most successful and nicely done HK social enterprise So Soap!, the theme song for WWF's Earth Hour Day - Light Up Your Dreams among others.
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Chet Lam / 林一峰

Homework / 家課
Release Date: March 26, 2012
Label: LYFE Music
在<家課>中,三十首作品勾畫出一個香港男孩眼中的世界,這一個橫跨多於十年的旅程裡,大概可以分為三大路線:香港故事(雪糕車 / 塗城記 / 維多利亞 / 紅河村 / 活下來),旅行思考(離開是為了回來 / 遊子意 / 向著陽光 / 煙圈和肥皂泡 / CL411 / 重回布拉格 / 思路),與及生活藝術(給最開心的人 / The Best is Yet to Come / 今天應該更高興 / 一支煙的時間 / 青天草地溪水旁 / 簡單不簡單…等)。
The first ever career spanning album of the Hong Kong based singer songwriter Chet Lam, with three major themes: stories of Hong Kong, travel thoughts and art of living. Though you would definitely enjoy it to the extreme if you know traditional Chinese, musically you will find it interesting as a peek into the best Canto pop could offer.
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Chet Lam with Eman Lam / 林一峰 林二汶
Chet Lam / 林一峰

One Magic Day
Release Date: September 14, 2011
Label: LYFE Music
Chet's 11th solo album, all original Cantonese songs, back to basic but with some new experimental elements, marks his new departure to a broader soundscape based on the trademark acoustic guitar sound.
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Chet Lam / 林一峰

Requiem for Flowers / 花訣
Release Date: March 2011
這張國粵雙語概念專輯「花訣」由林一峰的LYFE Music 和黃馨的MadDog Records共同策劃及投資出版,專輯內共收錄了十二首全新原創歌曲及五段間奏曲,除「風信子」春天版一曲由專輯製作人馮翰銘創作外,其餘全部為林一峰的全新創作。
歌詞用上了很多典故,從李后主到卞之林,由從「牡丹亭驚夢」到日常生活用語,要表達的是中國人對感情的看法:從來不直接,而且溝通大多都是單向的,感情以 犧牲精神為主,將重點放在將來,而非現在,跟西方很不一樣;一峰花了很多時間去鑽研歌詞部份的典故,希望能透過自己與黃馨的聲音,將現實裡最細微的感覺, 貫穿古今中外所有花開花落之間的愛欲生死。
專輯的幕後功臣馮翰銘(Alex Fung)監製,為這些先天性古典風味極濃的流行曲,在編曲及混音處理上作出重要調整,用2011年的方法涵蓋存在了幾千年的情懷。一峰形容這個合作為最新的鐵三角組合,希望能夠在中文流行樂壇創立一個里程碑。
Chet Lam with Shin Wong / 林一峰 黃馨
Chet Lam / 林一峰
Shin Wong / 黃馨